Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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Text File
100 lines
;(Först alla bbskoder INCL CLREOL & CLR ect )
;(Därefter alla färgkoder)
'@##@' "Messages to users with seclevel ##"
'@##-##@' "Messages to users with seclevel ##-##"
'@AUTOMORE@' "MORE? prompts are interpreted as @PAUSE@"
'@BEEP@' "Beep"
'@BOARDNAME@' "Gives the name of the current BBS"
'@BPS@' "Connect speed of caller"
'@BYTELIMIT@' "daily download limit in bytes"
'@BYTERATIO@' "Byteratio as DL:UL"
'@BYTESLEFT@' "number of bytes left to DL for the day"
'@CITY@' "Caller's city"
'@CLREOL@' "Clears to the end of the line"
'@CLS@' "Clears the screen"
'@CONFNUM@' "Current Conference number"
'@CURMSGNUM@' "Current messagenumber"
'@DATAPHONE@' "Gives the business/data phone number"
'@DAYBYTES@' "Bytes DL'ed today"
'@DLBYTES@' "Bytes DL'ed"
'@DLFILES@' "files DL'ed"
'@EVENT@' "Gives the time specified for the event"
'@EXPDATE@' "expiration date of a particular user"
'@EXPDAYS@' "Days left of subscription"
'@FILERATIO@' "fileration as DL:UL
'@FIRST@' "First name of the user"
'@HANGUP@' "Disconnects the caller"
'@HIGHMSGNUM@' "High message number in current conference"
'@HOMEPHONE@' "Gives the home/voice phone number"
'@INCONF@' "Current conference name"
'@KBLEFT@' "KB left to download"
'@KBLIMIT@' "KB limit to download"
'@LASTCALLERNODE@' "Name of the last caller on this node"
'@LASTCALLERSYSTEM@' "Name of the last system caller"
'@LASTDATEON@' "Last date on"
'@LASTTIMEON@' "Last time on"
'@LOWMSGNUM@' "Low message number in current conference"
'@MINLEFT@' "Minutes left of current call"
'@MORE@' "A MORE? prompt is displayed"
'@MSGLEFT@' "Number of messages written"
'@MSGREAD@' "Number of messages read"
'@NODE@' "Node number"
'@NUMBLT@' "Number of bulletins"
'@NUMCALLS@' "Caller number"
'@NUMDIR@' "Number of directories"
'@NUMTIMESON@' "Number of times on"
'@OFFHOURS@' "Slowspeed modem hours"
'@OPTEXT@' "Current operation text"
'@PAUSE@' "a MORE? prompt with a 10 sec delay"
'@POFF@' "Disables the MORE? prompt"
'@PON@' "Enables the MORE? prompt"
'@PRODESC@' "User's default protocol description"
'@PROLTR@' "User's default protocol letter"
'@QOFF@' "Disables CTRL-X/CTRL-K checking"
'@QON@' "Enables CTRL-X/CTRL-K checking"
'@SECURITY@' "Security level"
'@SYSDATE@' "Current date"
'@SYSTIME@' "Current time"
'@SYSOPIN@' "SysOp IN time as specified in PCBSetup"
'@SYSOPOUT@' "SysOp OUT time as specified in PCBSetup"
'@TIMELEFT@' "Time left on the system"
'@TIMELIMIT@' "Time available on the system"
'@TIMEUSED@' "Time used by a particular individual"
'@UPBYTES@' "Gives number of bytes uploaded"
'@UPFILES@' "Gives number of files uploaded"
'@USER@' "Yields full name in capital letters"
'@WAIT@' "Displays a PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE prompt"
'@WHO@' "Displays the status of the current node"
'@X00' "save current color"
'@XFF' "restore previous saved color"
;VIII. @X Color Codes
;Format: @X##
;For example:
;@X1F = Bright White on a Blue Background.
;@XA6 = Yellow on a Blinking Green Background.
;@X4A = Green on a Red Background.
;@X8F = Bright White on a Blinking Black Background.
; Background (1st Digit) Foreground (2nd Digit)
;Color Normal Blinking Normal Intensity
;Black 0 8 0 8
;Blue 1 9 1 9
;Green 2 A 2 A
;Cyan 3 B 3 B
;Red 4 C 4 C
;Magenta 5 D 5 D
;Yellow 6 E 6 E
;White 7 F 7 F